Zucchini Soup

I hate zucchini in most forms, other than zucchini bread. But I was served this on a Turkish Airlines flight and absolutely loved it. This is a zucchini for those who hate zucchini as well as those who love it.

2 zucchini
1 onion
2 carrots
2 potatoes
2 T butter
1 tsp oil
black pepper
1/4 c heavy cream
4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
3 cloves of garlic, sliced

Peel and cut vegetables into medium dice. You don’t have to peel the zucchini.
Melt butter in a saucepan with the oil and add onion and start to saute’.
Add garlic. Once the onions and garlic begin to soften, add the carrot and potatoes.
Cook for 5 minutes and then add the zucchini.
Cook the vegetables for a few minutes more then add the broth.

Boil for 20 minutes.

Use either an immersion blender or ladle soup into a blender and mix to a thickened consistency.
Add heavy cream and season with salt and pepper.

Bring to a simmer.
Add chopped parsley and serve.