Shooter Sandwich

Steak and mushrooms on the go.

I made this for April’s D&D group and it proved to be a hit. Note that you can also add other things to this if you wish. Spinach, cheese, thin ham, chicken, or prosciutto, whatever you like.

1 whole, uncut boule of sourdough or ciabatta bread. Basically any bread that is sturdy with a good crumb that can handle being filled and pressed down without breaking up.

4 thin cut ribeye steaks, trimmed of excess fat.
1 lb of diced mushrooms
1 onion, small dice
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 T fresh thyme
1 T Worcestershire Sauce
1 – 2 T dijon mustard
2 T oil
Salt and Pepper
Garlic powder (optional)
Parchment paper, butcher’s twine, aluminum foil

With a serrated bladed knife, cut the top 1/4 of the loaf off. Hollow out the loaf of the crumb, leaving about 1/4″ of the crust. Enough to hold in the ingredients without splitting. You can leave more if you want more bread in the sandwich.

Spread a thin layer of mustard on the top and bottom of the bread.

Season the steaks with salt and pepper (I also like to sprinkle garlic powder on them), and cook in a skillet until browned on both sides and medium rare. Remove to a plate. In the same pan add the onions, garlic, and mushrooms. Cook down until tender and most of the liquid has evaporated. Add the thyme, salt and pepper, and Worcestershire Sauce. Also pour in the juices that have come out of the resting steaks.

Layer the steaks in the bread, two on the bottom, then the mushroom mixture and top with the two remaining steaks. It should be a tight fit.

Press down on the sandwich then wrap in parchment paper, tying closed with butcher’s twine. (You can also use big rubber bands if you prefer.) Then wrap in aluminum foil.

Put the sandwich on a plate and place in the refrigerator and top with another plate or small baking sheet. Top that with a brick, several heavy cans or bottles or anything else with a decent weight to press down the sandwich. Leave in the fridge for at least 12 hours.

To serve, remove from the fridge, unwrap and slice into wedges.

Note: you can use this with any meat you like, chicken breasts or thighs, ham, pork chops, venison, whatever. But make sure what you use is tender. I tried this with chuck steak once and it was far too tough. You can also layer in spinach, slices of cheese, arugula, prosciutto, really whatever you wish, make it your own.